Saturday, March 04, 2006

Yuta's best friend Braedon is on a diffrent team. They might have a game against each other.
親友のブレードンは残念ながら違うチームになっちゃった。対戦するかも~~~? Posted by Picasa
Yuta and Jack are on the same team. We are the Indians!
祐太とジャックはインディアンズというチームです。 Posted by Picasa
Yuta is ready for his T-Ball game. 祐太はTボールという、リトルリーグのちびっこ版のチームに入りました。ユニフォーム姿かっこいいでしょ? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Yuta liked the Monster Inc. ride. But he has never watched the movie.... so did he get it???? Posted by Picasa
The forecast for today was heavy rain but it turned out to be nice day. So I took Yuta and Yoji to California Adventure. Posted by Picasa
At O'niel Park with his play group frineds. Posted by Picasa